Topics for the ‘Podcast’ Category


Brains On Water : Episode 009


“ If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water”  ~ Loren Eiseley


Water plays a major role for optimal well-being. It is essential in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Even mild dehydration can cause mood changes and a decrease in your cognitive abilities. Drinking water is only one of the ways to reap it’s benefits. Being close to it, be it a river, ocean, lake and even a fountain can be very therapeutic and add health and happiness to your everyday life.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.


And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

You don’t have to believe your thoughts : Episode 007

“You are not the one who speaks your thoughts, you are the one that hears them”


You have thousands of thoughts a day, yet not all of them serve you best. Being aware of your thoughts, especially the negative, fearful ones, is the first step towards managing how you show up in your life. Todays episodes explores four thinking traps  (unrealistic expectations, thoughts don’t equal facts, jumping to conclusions, taking it personally) that may cause mental and physical distress.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Covid-19 Psychological Distress: Episode 006

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it” – Hellen Keller

There has been a shift from everyday “normal” to extreme uncertainty and loss due to the covid-19 virus, and for some, this will be traumatic. Emotional distress shows up in different ways; emotionally, cognitively, physically, spiritually and socially. There is no right or wrong way to feel; however it’s important to find healthy ways to cope. This episode offers a few things to consider to help you or a loved one cope in a healthy way.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Emotions, Mind and Body, United: Episode 005

Our mind, body, emotions and spirit all work in unison to create “ the self ”.

As you gain deeper awareness, to what each part of you is trying to convey, you will increase your ability to balance your entire being. This episode encourages you to notice how your thoughts and emotions are affecting your body, or vice versa, and offers you a simple way to rebalance those things that may not be working out for you, on any level.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Quarantining with my family is nuts! Episode 004

Is coexisting with your family during the covid-19 quarantine becoming increasingly difficult?

This episode explores a different way for you to manage the situation, even when each person in your home may have very distinct personalities, desires and behaviors. Listen now for tips and strategies on how to keep the peace and develop ways to get closer with each other, rather than drift apart.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Ground Yourself: Episode 003

Grounding is a technique you can use to connect with the present moment, the here and now. It is especially useful during heightened anxiety or when you are having spiraling thoughts. It is a mindfulness technique that gets you out of your head and back into your body. There are many ways to ground yourself, including using your body, your five senses, breath, self-soothing, observing and distracting.
Grounding is not about making an emotion go away, rather it is allowing the experience to exist as you stay present in the moment, while you lower the intensity of distress.

Tune into episode #3 of HMHS show for examples on how to use grounding techniques.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Perks of positive thinking during unfortunate events: Episode 002

You have a choice on how you approach situations that are unpleasant or not optimal. You can choose to focus on the negative or create a positive outlook. Both will have consequences.

By choosing a positive, optimistic mindset, not only will you feel better, but you will enjoy some of the perks, such as:

  • Better physical health
  • Greater confidence and increased self-esteem
  • More peace of mind
  • Greater creativity
  • Better relationships

Tune in to the Healthy Mind Healthy Self podcast, episode #2, to find out how to train your mind to think in a positive manner, for increased health and happiness.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

Welcome to the Healthy Mind Healthy Self Show: Episode 1



Welcome to the Healthy Mind Healthy Self Show kick off episode.