Posts Tagged ‘acceptance’

Breaking Free from Lack Mentality: Episode 60

” Abundance isn’t something you earn; it’s something you allow yourself to receive” ~ Martha Alvarez


Do you ever feel like you’re settling in your relationships, career, or personal growth? Maybe you tell yourself “this is good enough” when deep down, you want more—but guilt, fear, or self-doubt hold you back.

In this episode, we break down why you settle (hint: it’s not just fear of failure) and how to shift into an abundance mindset so you can finally stop playing small.

It’s time to step into a mindset where you trust that more is possible for you.

Listen now and start shifting into abundance today!


Turning relationship frustration into positive growth: Episode 47

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”


Learning how to manage frustration between couples, kids or family members is a powerful opportunity for growth and positive change. Today’s episode offers tips on what you can do to use “frustration” to create stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂



Should Happiness Be The Goal: Episode 36


“Happiness is the byproduct of a life well lived” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


Are you chasing happiness? Today’s episode prompts you to define happiness. What does it mean for you? How do you know when you achieve it? Can it last?

Happiness is a fluid emotion, it ebbs and flows. Can those instances that you feel unhappy be related to other feelings, values and intentions? If you weren’t chasing “happy”, what would your goal be instead? Tune in and give it some thought.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Practicing Acceptance: Episode 33

“ Freedom and happiness are won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.”

  ~ Epictetus


Acceptance is not giving up or giving in. It’s not weak or passive. Acceptance allows you to shift your power towards the things that you can control. This episode explores ways to practice living with greater acceptance, so you can experience more peace of mind. 


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Overcoming Resistance To Change: Episode 023

“ When things change inside of you, things change around you “

There are times you may think about changing something, yet you resist taking the committed action towards making it happen. Examining your beliefs, values and feelings can help you develop a strategy to make the change occur. Today’s episode explores some of the top reasons why “change” can become complicated and what to do about it.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Overcoming resistance to change checklist

Coping With Stressors: Episode 013


Problems aren’t the problem; coping is the problem ~ Virginia Satir


Everyone has stressors, but not everyone copes with them the same way. Are your coping strategies problem focused or emotion focused? The way you appraise your stressor will determine how you cope with it. Your appraisal depends on personal, collective and social factors. Awareness is the first step towards developing adaptive responses toward managing your problems.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

For a New Beginning

For a New Beginning” by John O’Donohue

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

Shyness in Children

images (5)If your child suffers from shyness, they are not alone. Recent research suggests that over 50% of the general population currently experiences some degree of shyness in their lives. Many children are shy in situations that are new to them. It can be painful if it continues to adolescence and beyond preventing them from participating fully in most social settings. Being shy is not necessarily a problem, unless it causes distress. Luckily, there are many strategies and options to help overcome shyness.

Here are some tips to help your child:

  • Avoid labeling your child as shy. Reframe it as “reserved” or a “deep thinker”. You can say, “ Johnny likes to listen to others before sharing his views” or “ Mary likes to think before rushing in”.
  • Some kids need time to feel comfortable or warm up, so preparing them on what to expect really helps. Do not rush them into participating.
  • If you are going somewhere new, like school, try to have them meet the teacher and get familiar with the school grounds prior to the fist day of school.  You can also use the Internet to show them pictures of where they will be going, which will give them a general idea.
  • Take time to talk to them about what they could expect socially, in different settings, and how to handle sticky situations. Role-play with them or simply offer suggestions and brainstorm about possible solutions to scenarios.
  • For example, if it is lunchtime and your child isn’t certain where he should sit, he can try preplanning it with someone from class before lunch or identify possible lunch buddies and practice conversation starters that he can use.
  • Help them practice on how to approach other kids and speak up in class. Develop topics of conversation that their peers may find interesting. Using open-ended questions usually prompts conversations.
  • Encourage using “I” statements instead of “you” statements that can often cause others to become defensive.
  • Bring to their awareness social interactions such as using humor, standing up for yourself, saying “no”, asking for something and apologizing as they happen in everyday life.
  • Encourage your child to sign up for some sort of sport, club or extracurricular activity. Whether it’s a team sport or theatre, dance, karate, gymnastics, it will give them the opportunity to interact and have something to talk about with their peers.
  • Shyness and anxiety go hand in hand and many times it is actually not a skill deficit but rather a lack of self-confidence.
  • Remind your child of past successes. Give them confidence but don’t push them. They will evolve gradually when they’re ready.

Above all, love and accept you child’s personality and remind them to do the same. They are their own unique, perfect self.