Posts Tagged ‘change’

How to achieve your goals when you have a habit of quitting.

” Never, Never, Never Give Up ~ Winston Churchill

What is getting in your way when you are trying to achieve a goal? Today’s episode explores reasons that you are not getting what you wwant and offers suggestions on how to change that.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Toxic Thoughts: episode 48


The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by often falling ~ Lucretius


Toxic thinking is not beneficial to your well-being. Listen to today’s episode for easy ways to gain awareness of your thinking patterns and how to make them work for you instead of against you.


Making Mindfulness Easier: Episode 038

“ Between stimulus and response there is a space. In this space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our power and freedom” ~ Viktor Frankyl


Taming your wandering mind can often be challenging. By developing a mindfulness practice you can focus your attention towards relaxation and increased awareness. Mindfulness does not have to be difficult. Today’s episode will help you make this practice easier.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards

Focusing On What Matters: Episode 31

“ The secret to change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ”

~ Socrates


You can choose how you experience life. As the year 2020 nears the end, you have the opportunity to reflect, reset, and reprioritize the things that matter most to you. Start the new year by gaining clarity on how you want to feel and committing to doing the things that support your vision. This episode offers you reflection questions to help set your intentions. Listen now.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Overcoming Resistance To Change: Episode 023

“ When things change inside of you, things change around you “

There are times you may think about changing something, yet you resist taking the committed action towards making it happen. Examining your beliefs, values and feelings can help you develop a strategy to make the change occur. Today’s episode explores some of the top reasons why “change” can become complicated and what to do about it.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Overcoming resistance to change checklist

Teaching Your Kids About Mental and Emotional Health: Episode 20

“ There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”  ~ Leonard Cohen


Teaching kids about mental and emotional health and how it influences their well-being, is the best way to protect them and give them tools to succeed in life. Today’s podcast encourages you to increase the awareness over mental health matters and get the conversation started with your kids.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Links and resources:

Coping With Stressors: Episode 013


Problems aren’t the problem; coping is the problem ~ Virginia Satir


Everyone has stressors, but not everyone copes with them the same way. Are your coping strategies problem focused or emotion focused? The way you appraise your stressor will determine how you cope with it. Your appraisal depends on personal, collective and social factors. Awareness is the first step towards developing adaptive responses toward managing your problems.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Choose Your Focus: Episode 012

“ Most people are as happy as they choose to be” ~ Abraham Lincoln


Your experience in life is determined by your focus. You always have the choice to align with things that empower you, rather than limit you. The quickest way to change how you feel is to concentrate on the positive aspects and visualize your desired outcome. Leading with gratitude and strength is one of the ways to achieve well-being and happiness.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Covid-19 Psychological Distress: Episode 006

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it” – Hellen Keller

There has been a shift from everyday “normal” to extreme uncertainty and loss due to the covid-19 virus, and for some, this will be traumatic. Emotional distress shows up in different ways; emotionally, cognitively, physically, spiritually and socially. There is no right or wrong way to feel; however it’s important to find healthy ways to cope. This episode offers a few things to consider to help you or a loved one cope in a healthy way.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Spring Clean Your Behaviors

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage”
– Anais Nin


Spring Cleaning Your BehaviotSpring is a time of new beginnings. It is a time to let go of behaviors that no longer make you happy and commit to making changes.

What are some behaviors that you would like to change? Have you picked up some bad habits? Is fear stopping you from doing something?

What would help you begin that change process? Take the first step.

Here are 4 Steps to Help You Start the Change Process

1. Identify what behavior you want to change and know why you must change it. Consider the reasons why the old behavior just doesn’t serve you anymore and the benefits of the new one. Commit to your new desired behavior.

2. Set yourself up for success by preparing yourself mentally and physically for action. Begin by writing down what you have committed to and posting it somewhere that you can see it often. Be sure to include the “why” you are doing it.  Identify any obstacles and triggers that may jeopardize you and write down the solutions for these obstacles. Set up the supplies or circumstances that will help you achieve your desired results, this includes a support system. Join a gym. Throw out the cigarettes and buy carrot sticks and tic-tac’s instead. Set timers. Go buy a week’s worth of greens. Whatever your goal is-take action!

3. Take action. Think. Get clarity. Identify what you want and then commit to taking an actionable step towards your goal daily. This is where the real magic happens.

4. Maintain your new behavior by reminding yourself of the reason it’s important. Satisfaction with your new behavior is dependent upon your expectations. Keep your expectations realistic. Significant change takes time. Change is a process not an event. Slowly but surely you will meet your goals.

Maintain your new behavior for at least 30 days so a new habit begins to take place. And if you relapse to your old ways, just return to the desired behavior. It is not a sign of failure but rather another opportunity to make you stronger.