Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Overcoming Resistance To Change: Episode 023

“ When things change inside of you, things change around you “

There are times you may think about changing something, yet you resist taking the committed action towards making it happen. Examining your beliefs, values and feelings can help you develop a strategy to make the change occur. Today’s episode explores some of the top reasons why “change” can become complicated and what to do about it.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Overcoming resistance to change checklist

Emotional Flow: Episode 21

” Everything is temporary; emotions, thoughts, people, and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it. ”


Emotions are neither good nor bad, they just are. Learning how to recognize and accept them may take practice, patience and persistence. By acknowledging your emotions, without judgement, you can allow, accept and make space for the experience until it passes or changes. This episode guides you how to begin.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Teaching Your Kids About Mental and Emotional Health: Episode 20

“ There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”  ~ Leonard Cohen


Teaching kids about mental and emotional health and how it influences their well-being, is the best way to protect them and give them tools to succeed in life. Today’s podcast encourages you to increase the awareness over mental health matters and get the conversation started with your kids.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Links and resources:

Benefits of Natural Vagus Nerve Stimulation : Episode 014

“Your body is a self healing organism, but you can help it along the way”

Natural stimulation your vagus nerve helps improve your brain-body communication. Learn simple techniques to increase your vagal tone so your body can relax faster after stress.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Coping With Stressors: Episode 013


Problems aren’t the problem; coping is the problem ~ Virginia Satir


Everyone has stressors, but not everyone copes with them the same way. Are your coping strategies problem focused or emotion focused? The way you appraise your stressor will determine how you cope with it. Your appraisal depends on personal, collective and social factors. Awareness is the first step towards developing adaptive responses toward managing your problems.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Choose Your Focus: Episode 012

“ Most people are as happy as they choose to be” ~ Abraham Lincoln


Your experience in life is determined by your focus. You always have the choice to align with things that empower you, rather than limit you. The quickest way to change how you feel is to concentrate on the positive aspects and visualize your desired outcome. Leading with gratitude and strength is one of the ways to achieve well-being and happiness.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Relationship Poison: Episode 010


“ When you forgive you don’t change the past, you change the future”


There are emotions and behaviors that can harm relationships; resentment is one of them. This relationship poison can grow quickly if left unnoticed and not resolved. While it might be inevitable, it does not have to be unmanageable. You always have the choice to release it.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Declutter Your Thinking : Episode 008


“Your mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, its difficult to see. When its calm, everything becomes clear.”  ~ Prasad Mahes


We each have so much stuff going on daily. As a result, the mind can start getting really cluttered. Today’s episode explores 3 thought patterns that can disrupt your clarity and interfere in your mental and emotional functioning.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Emotions, Mind and Body, United: Episode 005

Our mind, body, emotions and spirit all work in unison to create “ the self ”.

As you gain deeper awareness, to what each part of you is trying to convey, you will increase your ability to balance your entire being. This episode encourages you to notice how your thoughts and emotions are affecting your body, or vice versa, and offers you a simple way to rebalance those things that may not be working out for you, on any level.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Perks of positive thinking during unfortunate events: Episode 002

You have a choice on how you approach situations that are unpleasant or not optimal. You can choose to focus on the negative or create a positive outlook. Both will have consequences.

By choosing a positive, optimistic mindset, not only will you feel better, but you will enjoy some of the perks, such as:

  • Better physical health
  • Greater confidence and increased self-esteem
  • More peace of mind
  • Greater creativity
  • Better relationships

Tune in to the Healthy Mind Healthy Self podcast, episode #2, to find out how to train your mind to think in a positive manner, for increased health and happiness.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.