Posts Tagged ‘health’

How To Have Productive Conversations: Episode 42

” It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare, that things are difficult.” ~ Seneca


We exchange thoughts and ideas through conversations. Today’s episode offers tips on how you can have  a productive conversation with someone, even when you both disagree on the topic.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂


Focusing On What Matters: Episode 31

“ The secret to change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ”

~ Socrates


You can choose how you experience life. As the year 2020 nears the end, you have the opportunity to reflect, reset, and reprioritize the things that matter most to you. Start the new year by gaining clarity on how you want to feel and committing to doing the things that support your vision. This episode offers you reflection questions to help set your intentions. Listen now.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Letting Go: Episode 15

“Sometimes you just need to let things go”

There’s all sorts of things we hold on to: physical things, thoughts, patterns, beliefs, people. Letting go can be difficult, even painful. You can make letting go easier by creating a new framework and asking yourself some powerful questions. Listen and learn how.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Coping With Stressors: Episode 013


Problems aren’t the problem; coping is the problem ~ Virginia Satir


Everyone has stressors, but not everyone copes with them the same way. Are your coping strategies problem focused or emotion focused? The way you appraise your stressor will determine how you cope with it. Your appraisal depends on personal, collective and social factors. Awareness is the first step towards developing adaptive responses toward managing your problems.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Choose Your Focus: Episode 012

“ Most people are as happy as they choose to be” ~ Abraham Lincoln


Your experience in life is determined by your focus. You always have the choice to align with things that empower you, rather than limit you. The quickest way to change how you feel is to concentrate on the positive aspects and visualize your desired outcome. Leading with gratitude and strength is one of the ways to achieve well-being and happiness.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Brains On Water : Episode 009


“ If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water”  ~ Loren Eiseley


Water plays a major role for optimal well-being. It is essential in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Even mild dehydration can cause mood changes and a decrease in your cognitive abilities. Drinking water is only one of the ways to reap it’s benefits. Being close to it, be it a river, ocean, lake and even a fountain can be very therapeutic and add health and happiness to your everyday life.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.


And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Emotions, Mind and Body, United: Episode 005

Our mind, body, emotions and spirit all work in unison to create “ the self ”.

As you gain deeper awareness, to what each part of you is trying to convey, you will increase your ability to balance your entire being. This episode encourages you to notice how your thoughts and emotions are affecting your body, or vice versa, and offers you a simple way to rebalance those things that may not be working out for you, on any level.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Ground Yourself: Episode 003

Grounding is a technique you can use to connect with the present moment, the here and now. It is especially useful during heightened anxiety or when you are having spiraling thoughts. It is a mindfulness technique that gets you out of your head and back into your body. There are many ways to ground yourself, including using your body, your five senses, breath, self-soothing, observing and distracting.
Grounding is not about making an emotion go away, rather it is allowing the experience to exist as you stay present in the moment, while you lower the intensity of distress.

Tune into episode #3 of HMHS show for examples on how to use grounding techniques.


Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

And, if you’re feeling extra loving, please share it and leave a review; it makes it easier to find. We can all benefit from a little nudge to start making small shifts towards increased health and happiness 🙂

Perks of positive thinking during unfortunate events: Episode 002

You have a choice on how you approach situations that are unpleasant or not optimal. You can choose to focus on the negative or create a positive outlook. Both will have consequences.

By choosing a positive, optimistic mindset, not only will you feel better, but you will enjoy some of the perks, such as:

  • Better physical health
  • Greater confidence and increased self-esteem
  • More peace of mind
  • Greater creativity
  • Better relationships

Tune in to the Healthy Mind Healthy Self podcast, episode #2, to find out how to train your mind to think in a positive manner, for increased health and happiness.

Have you already subscribed to my podcast? If not, I’m encouraging you to do that today. I wouldn’t want you to miss an episode.

Back To School Stress Busters

A new school year can be an exciting, yet stressful time in your child’s life.
Numerous thoughts cross their minds about the Welcome backpossibilities that await them, both academically and socially. For parents, there are stressors too, such as adjusting to schedules, additional demands and having your child out of your care. As a family, this is a great opportunity to strengthen your connection as you support each other through this journey. Here are some tips to help you manage the stress:

1. Talk about their school day everyday. Ask questions and really listen. Sometimes, your child may want help brainstorming solutions to a situation and other times they may just want you to listen. During this time give your child your undivided attention. Also remember to share their enthusiasm for all the good things that they experienced.

2. Make sure your child has at least 8-10 hours sleep and all the electronics, including TV are shut off 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Mornings can be easy by creating a morning routine, having them set out their clothes or uniforms, getting backpacks ready and breakfast chosen the night before goes a long way.

3. The best way to immediately tone down your stress level is a few deep breaths. The breath is best inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. Try this as soon as you feel a stressor.

4. Have your child develop a new mantra “I’ve got this.” This mantra will be useful every time they feel uncertain about something. It is used as a simple reminder that it’s ok, they are going to be fine, they can do it! So, before that test that they studied for- “I’ve got this” – before they go talk to that new someone – “I’ve got this”.

5. Social concerns are high for kids. Remind them that not everyone is going to see eye to eye with them and may not even like them and that’s OK! We are all unique and special and the most important thing is that we like ourselves and are nice and respectful to others. Encourage your child to find a group of friends that they feel comfortable with and remind them that over time they can always choose to develop more friendships.